
Level F Unit 15

Level F Unit 15
Completing the Sentence
1. brouhaha
2. enigmatic
3. presentiment
4. requisite
5. profligate
6. mollified
7. choleric
8. onus
9. definitive
10. mawkish
11. sartorial
12. bulwark
13. cloyed
14. demeanor
15. adamant
16. impromptu
17. deference
18. curtail
19. thwart
20. remit
1. enigmatic
2. demeanor
3. onus
4. remit
5. presentiment
6. thwart
7. mawkish
8. brouhaha
9. bulwark
10. cloy
11. profligate
12. requisite
13. adamant
14. curtail
15. sartorial
16. definitive
17. deference
18. impromptu
19. mollify
20. choleric
Choosing the Right Word
1. 1
2. 1
3. 1
4. 2
5. 2
6. 1
7. 1
8. 2
9. 1
10. 2
11. 1
12. 1
13. 2
14. 1
15. 1
16. 1
17. 1
18. 1
19. 2
20. 1
Vocab in Context
1. c
2. b
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. d

Level F Unit 13

Level F Unit 13
Completing the Sentence
1. blatant
2. abet
3. broached
4. herculean
5. collated
6. grisly
7. opportune
8. connoisseur
9. carousal
10. incontrovertible
11. prolific
12. inauspicious
13. encumbered
14. aver
15. impassive
16. disconsolate
17. buttresses
18. nonplussed
19. foment
20. rejoinder
1. broach
2. disconsolate
3. rejoinder
4. abet
5. inauspicious
6. nonplussed
7. carousal
8. encumbered
9. herculean
10. opportune
11. buttress
12. collate
13. grisly
14. foment
15. incontrovertible
16. prolific
17. blatant
18. impassive
19. connoisseur
20. aver
Choosing the Right Word
1. 1
2. 1
3. 1
4. 1
5. 1
6. 1
7. 2
8. 1
9. 1
10. 1
11. 2
12. 1
13. 1
14. 2
15. 1
16. 2
17. 1
18. 1
19. 2
20. 1
Vocab in Context
1. c
2. b
3. a
4. b
5. d
6. a

Level F Unit 12

Level F Unit 12
Completing the Sentence
1. enhances
2. absolve
3. enthrall
4. scintillating
5. sanctimonious
6. paragon
7. paraphrased
8. deleterious
9. prosaic
10. extenuate
11. incisive
12. ostentatious
13. implicit
14. politic
15. redundant
16. clangor
17. caricature
18. winsome
19. contiguous
20. cupidity
1. clangor
2. enhance
3. paragon
4. incisive
5. scintillating
6. prosaic
7. caricature
8. enthrall
9. sanctimonious
10. winsome
11. ostentatious
12. deleterious
13. implicit
14. politic
15. contiguous
16. cupidity
17. absolve
18. extenuated
19. redundant
20. paraphrase
Choosing the Right Word
1. 1
2. 2
3. 1
4. 1
5. 1
6. 1
7. 1
8. 1
9. 1
10. 1
11. 1
12. 1
13. 2
14. 2
15. 2
16. 1
17. 2
18. 1
19. 1
20. 2
Vocab in Context
1. d
2. b
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. c

vocabulary workshop Level F Unit 11 answers

Level F Unit 11
Completing the Sentence
1. pernicious
2. dowdy
3. salient
4. denizen
5. foist
6. specious
7. heresy
8. corroborate
9. inculcate
10. palpable
11. florid
12. censurable
13. satiated
14. disseminate
15. gauche
16. discursive
17. perceptive
18. abstemious
19. contingent
20. sear
1. discursive
2. dowdy
3. gauche
4. sear
5. corroborate
6. florid
7. palpable
8. perceptive
9. satiate
10. denizen
11. disseminate
12. inculcate
13. pernicious
14. foist
15. abstemious
16. censurable
17. heresy
18. salient
19. contingent
20. specious
Choosing the Right Word
1. 1
2. 1
3. 2
4. 1
5. 1
6. 1
7. 1
8. 1
9. 2
10. 1
11. 2
12. 1
13. 2
14. 2
15. 2
16. 1
17. 2
18. 1
19. 2
20. 2
Vocab in Context
1. c
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. d

Vocabulary workshop Level F Unit 10 answers

Level F Unit 10
Completing the Sentence
1. gist
2. covert
3. gratuitous
4. invectives
5. debonair
6. fortuitous
7. equanimity
8. accrue
9. procrastinates
10. recondite
11. motley
12. sedentary
13. provocative
14. munificent
15. reprobate
16. Bedlam
17. dunned
18. imperious
19. efficacious
20. annotations
1. dunning
2. annotations
3. bedlam
4. gist
5. motley
6. gratuitous
7. invective
8. procrastinate
9. recondite
10. fortuitous
11. covert
12. debonair
13. equanimity
14. provocative
15. reprobate
16. accrued
17. imperious
18. munificent
19. sedentary
20. efficacious
Choosing the Right Word
1. 1
2. 1
3. 1
4. 1
5. 2
6. 2
7. 2
8. 1
9. 2
10. 1
11. 1
12. 1
13. 1
14. 2
15. 2
16. 1
17. 2
18. 1
19. 1
20. 2
Vocab in Context
1. c
2. b
3. b
4. a
5. a
6. c