
Vocabulary workshop Level D Unit 5 answers

Level D Unit 5
Completing the Sentence
1. paramount
2. rebut
3. incorrigible
4. reprimand
5. militant
6. brazen
7. servitude
8. stagnant
9. slapdash
10. facilitate
11. succumb
12. annihilate
13. arbitrary
14. accomplices
15. exodus
16. prattle
17. opaque
18. latent
19. morose
20. catalysts
1. opaque
2. annihilated
3. exodus
4. reprimand
5. stagnant
6. servitude
7. slapdash
8. accomplice
9. succumb
10. militant
11. catalyst
12. incorrigible
13. brazen
14. prattle
15. paramount
16. morose
17. rebut
18. latent
19. facilitate
20. arbitrary
Choosing the Right Word
1. latent
2. prattling
3. succumb
4. catalyst
5. paramount
6. exodus
7. opaque
8. arbitrary
9. incorrigible
10. annihilate
11. slapdash
12. reprimand
13. rebut
14. brazen
15. morose
16. accomplices
17. facilitate
18. servitude
19. stagnant
20. militants
Vocab in Context
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. a

